Katy Perry, little sexy incident on American Idol stage: what happened

Katy Perry had a sexy little accident on the stage of the American Idol TV show.

The pop star tore her leather pants at lower back level during the performance on the notes of Teenage Dream. She remedied with scotch, continuing her performance and posting everything on her social networks. On the net she comments on what happened by quoting and parodying a part of her song about her: “I’ll make your heart beat faster in my tight jeans on #americanidol tonight! Tune in now for a nice heartbreaking moment ”.

As usual, Katy Perry manages to mix beauty, skill, sympathy, golden uvula and platinum brain in an admirable way. In fact, only those who are able to make people laugh are said to be gifted with superior intelligence. So Katy Perry should be a scientist more than a singer, as she has accustomed the audience to her smile, often just the big laugh, over the course of her rosy career.


For four years he has been one of the judges of American Idolone of the most famous singing talent shows in the United States. In this program Katy Perry is the undisputed queen of entertainment. The superstar to whom we owe so many hilarious jokes, ironic moments, sketches and improvised performances in which she reconfirms herself not only as an excellent singer but also an actress and a truly cap-worthy comedian.

The tear of the pants

The sketch in which his leather pants tear would not seem so, that is, it would not seem to be a sketch in the sense of something written on the table. It really looks like her pants ripped as she pulled down a little too much. The skin of her trousers would then give way, tearing right into her rear, between the surprised eyes of her colleagues, namely the other two judges Luke Bryan and Lionel Ritchie.

However, remember that this is not the first time: Katy Perry’s pants had already torn on another occasion. There has been a similar moment in the past, always during the same show. At the time, however, the pop star was not performing musically, like this time: months ago it was just a gag after which the artist had shown amused her torn look to the judges and the public. Should I choose one size up?

Below we show you the video posted by Katy Perry on Twitter in which the offending tear is seen. The stamp with the program logo American Idol acts as a piece of censorship, before the singer applies two nice strips of yellow scotch tape on the orange leather pants.