Jennifer Aniston on Bringing the FreeTheNipple Movement to the Masses First

If you’ve paid close attention—and no, not to the gossip magazines that have made a professional pastime out of speculating whether she’s with child, without child, secretly divorced, or makes mayonnaise masks every morning at 8:00 a.m.—you’d know that one of the more authentic actresses in Hollywood has always been Jennifer Aniston. She’s never denied eating well and working out religiously as the answer to a strong and sculpted body. She puts her star power behind brands that promote vitamin-infused water and no-gimmicks natural skin care, like Aveeno. She’s not quoted saying bad things about people, especially people she once loved. She’s often photographed smiling and laughing with her husband Justin Theroux or her friends from Friends. She stands up for herself, but only when she’s pushed to the edge.

Perhaps most remarkable is that in a world that measures success by one’s Instagram following, Aniston, 48, who will soon return to primetime TV with friend Reese Witherspoon, has chosen to opt out of social media completely, favoring early dinners on Sundays with family, and high-intensity, sweat-drenching workouts instead. “[Social media] is such a drag,” she says. Below, a window into why Jennifer Aniston is the poster woman for wellness.