Alexa Demie on How She Chooses Her Projects

It’s clear by looking at Alexa Demie’s resume that she’s particular about where she chooses to invest her talent. Though she’s been professionally acting since 2015, all of her chosen TV shows and movie roles seem to be of a particular aesthetic and quality. Even after rising to mainstream popularity thanks to her portrayal of Maddy Perez on the hit HBO show, Euphoria, Demie has continued to be selective. So what does she look for when she’s considering new projects?

‘Euphoria’ actor Alexa Demie | Emma McIntyre/WireImage

Alexa Demie is very particular about what projects she joins
Demie certainly seems to have a strong understanding of her personal style and taste. This mentality seems to extend to her career also. She’s firm about not auditioning for projects that don’t resonate with her. In fact, before she learned about Euphoria, she was considering taking a break from acting because she wasn’t being sent scripts that she connected with.

What does the ‘Euphoria’ actor consider when movies and TV shows are pitched to her?

But being crystal clear about what she wants out of acting projects has paid off for Demie. In an interview with Collider, she got candid about what she’s looking for in a potential job. For the Los Angeles native, it boils down to personal style coupled with a visceral gut instinct.

“I’ve always been like extremely specific and picky,” Demie explained when asked about her process for considering new projects. “I’m grateful to have worked with some incredible filmmakers. I just know what I like when read something. I have a certain taste level, and I’ve been really true to that, and will continue to be true to that. It really is a feeling. When you read something, you get a feeling, or you don’t. Everything I know that I’ve wanted, I’ve gotten. There are things that I think I wanted and I really liked, but I didn’t get.”
Demie is a writer and a singer in addition to an actor
It seems that Demie’s taste level stems from her own creative spirit. While she’s best known as an actor, she’s actually a multi-talented creative. With songs like “Leopard Limo,” Demie has revealed to fans that she’s also a singer. But the Euphoria has also been writing projects of her own for quite a while.

“I’ve always been very vocal about what I want,” Demie explained. “I grew up writing shorts and music videos. I love the visual aspect of everything. I think I’m very clear in that.” Certainly, it seems that Demie truly has a handle on who she is as a person and an actor. It’ll be interesting to see what future projects seem to capture her attention. In fact, we wouldn’t put it past the actor to write compelling roles for herself one day. Only time will tell what she gets up to next. However, we’d wager that filming Euphoria Season 3 will be her main priority in the upcoming months.