Lindsay Lohan flashes side-boob in sexy topless selfie

She’s at it again.

Lindsay Lohan is turning into one of those naked selfie-taking kind of celebrities.

The Mean Girls actress posted this topless picture of herself to her Instagram account on Thursday, under the caption: ” @rushzimmerman  #foxhole” (We’re not sure why).

In the snap, Li-Lo is sat up in bed, topless, with her long red locks flowing down over her freckly back.

The flame-haired star is smoking a cigarette and looking slightly to the left, maybe out of a window or maybe at the TV. Or maybe just for the sake of looking in a different direction. We can’t be sure.

It’s the second time this week that the Parent Trap actress has posted a saucy selfie for the pleasure of her 550,000 fans .

On Monday Lohan posted a sepia (what other filter would work?) image of her in a vest and pants.

The formerly troubled actress has  brushed off rumours of a relapse,  stripped down to her lacy French knickers and brought Sexy Back to Instagram.

Now, to the untrained eye this may look like La Lohan is just stood with her legs apart, but 3am’s crack team of experts has convened and confirmed that this is ACTUAL thigh gap.

Yes, we are very wise.

As any good selfie-addict knows, the trick is to position the camera right and luckily for Lindsay – vintage is in because this is all a bit Myspace circa 2003.

The actress looks incredible in the shot and it’s much more dignified and classy than what we’ve seen lately, *cough*  Nicki Minaj  *cough*.