20 Years Later, Lindsay Lohan’s Girl Band in Freaky Friday Still Rocks

I’m not sure precisely when my taste for “angry-girl music of the indie-rock persuasion”—to quote 10 Things I Hate About You—was formed. Maybe it was when I first laid eyes on a tie-clad Avril Lavigne in middle school or when I discovered riot grrrl and fell deeply in love with Kathleen Hanna in college; but at some point my appetite was formed, and now I can’t think of a pissed-off girl band whose songs I haven’t done at karaoke. (Trust me, “Celebrity Skin” by Hole is always a fan favorite, even among the Gen Z contingent.)

Freaky Friday's 'Pink Slip' Might Reunite for 20th Anniversary: An Oral  History of the Rock Band

My musical interests apparently haven’t changed much in the last 20 years because when the Lindsay Lohan– and Jamie Lee Curtis–led reboot of Freaky Friday first came out in 2003, I took one look at Pink Slip, the garage-rock girl band Lohan’s character, Anna, fronts alongside her best friends and knew without a shadow of a doubt that I’d found nirvana. (The lowercase-N kind, not the band, although Kurt Cobain is, of course, babygirl.) Pink Slip was loud, rude, crude, weird, and made up almost entirely of oddballs who got bullied by the popular girls. My geeky little 10-year-old heart thrilled at the idea that I could one day be like Anna and her pals—and although my musical talent never quite turned up, I did eventually make friends with the other kids who were considered weird at their respective elementary schools, and if ever I randomly got good at the drums, I would trust any of them to be in a band with me.

I just have one complaint about Pink Slip, and it, like my music taste, has stayed static for the past two decades: Why isn’t the band real? Why couldn’t they make like the (similarly fictional) Daisy Jones & the Six and release an actual full-length album? We got something tantalizingly close when Muna did a Halloween performance in character as Pink Slip last year (gay rights!), but I want Lohan and her cronies (played by Haley Hudson and Christina Vidal) on my Spotify What’s New playlist weekly. Yes, I realize Lohan most likely has her hands full as a new mom, but if she ever wanted to reignite Pink Slip—maybe for that long-teased Freaky Friday sequel—I’d be ready to follow them around the country, Phish style.