Sending love and support to Lovato after a recent accident left them with partial vision loss. Stay strong, we’re here for you on this journey

The singer opened up about her recovery progress in a four-part interview documentary on YouTube called Dancing With the Devil.

Is Demi Lovato partially blind?

Demi Lovato, 28, discussed her subsequent health complications from an overdose recovery.

Lovato’s vision suffered tremendously due to the accident and dealt with partial loss as a result.

She opened up to People magazine about the ordeal, saying: “The physical implications of what had happened were really difficult to adjust to.

“As simple as tweezing your eyebrows, I had to figure out how to look higher so that I could see because my blind spots were in the main focal point of my vision.

She added: “Even putting on a full outfit, I couldn’t see my shoes. I’d have to ask somebody else, ‘Do these shoes go with it?’”

In addition to partial vision loss, Lovato suffered three strokes and a heart attack at the hospital.

In the documentary trailer she says: “I had so much to say over the past two years, wanting to set the record straight about what it was that happened.

“Any time that you suppress a part of yourself, it’s gonna overflow. I had crossed a line that I had never crossed before … I snapped. I had three strokes.

Adding: “I had a heart attack. My doctors said that I had five to 10 more minutes [to live].”

What happened to Demi Lovato’s drug dealer?
In the first two episodes of Dancing With the Devil, Lovato accused her drug dealer Brandon, of giving her drugs laced with fentanyl, taking advantage of her Sexually, and leaving her for ᴅᴇᴀᴅ the night of her overdose.

However, Brandon will not be investigated for Lovato’s overdose because an overdose is categorized as a self-induced medical emergency.

While she did not name him or discuss any legal action that has been or will be taken, Brandon has admitted to being with Demi that night.

A month before her overdose, he was arrested in North Hollywood, with opiates, a completely stacked self-loader handgun and $10k in his pocket, according to reports.

Then in September of 2018, he had a warrant out for his arrest after missing his court date for his arrest in June for possession of cocaine and a DUI.

In 2019, he faced three misdemeanor counts for shoplifting and possession of heroin and ketamine after allegedly trying to steal some designer product from a Macy’s in the San Fernando Valley.

How can I watch Demi Lovato’s docuseries Dancing With The Devil?
Demi Lovato: Dancing With The Devil’s first two episodes were released on March 23.