Demi Lovato claims government is lying about aliens after extraterrestrial encounter

Demi Lovato believes governments aren’t telling us the truth about aliens and UFOs to protect religious beliefs.

A few years ago the singer claimed that she’d had an alien encounter and even made a TV show about it called Unidentified.

Recalling her unexplained moment, Demi said: “I don’t think I was abducted but I think something weird happened to me, like astral projecting.

Lovato reveals they are nonbinary, changing their pronouns

“I’m not sure what happened.

“I was sleeping and I had this really vivid, realistic dream.

Demi Lovato
Demi said something ‘weird’ happened to her (Image: Xavier Collin / Avalon)

“They were like, ‘Do you wanna go see our home planet?’ And I’m like f*** yeah! They were just like shadowy figures, there were three of them, normal human size.”

The incident changed the singer and actress’s beliefs and that’s why she thinks we haven’t been introduced to other life forms… yet.

The 31-year-old went on: “It’s gonna be a big thing, I think it’s a tricky thing to announce to the public because so many people are gonna flip their s***.

Demi Lovato
The star saw ‘shadowy figures’

“People that don’t believe or believe in God are gonna be like, ‘How can both things co-exist?'”

She went further: “For me personally I’m a more a believer of a ‘source’ and the universe. I used to believe in a father and a God. I kinda don’t any more.

Demi Lovato will investigate UFOs in upcoming docuseries

“My version of God changed now I believe in a ‘source’, I believe something created us but I don’t know what, but I don’t believe it’s a man with a white beard.”

Leave Santa Claus out of this!

Aliens creature in the forest
Demi apparently thinks communicating with aliens is getting close (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Now Demi, who is back with new LP REVAMPED, thinks communicating with aliens is close.