Demi Lovato soaks in bath tub in the music video for their new song Skin of My Teeth

A distinct punk feel takes over in the first few cards with the camera focusing in on Lovato’s face while they stare, dead-eyed, forward.

‘Demi leaves rehab again,’ are the first lyrics sung by the New Mexico native.

Their white shirt was soaked, showing off her ample cleavage underneath their white tank top.

They flail their arms about while singing, sitting in the bathtub for the entirety of the first few lines of the song.

They sing, ‘I can’t believe I’m not dead,’ a possible reference to the near fatal overdose Lovato went through back in 2018.

‘I’m alive by the skin of my teeth/I survived. but it got harder to breathe,’ they sang while an older man pointed at a newspaper.

They continue,’ God dam**t I just want to be free/ But I can’t because it’s a f**king disease,’ a pretty clear reference to addiction.

The old man reading the newspaper then appears near the bathtub and tries to film Demi while they move back and forth like a snake in the tub.

The video then cuts to Demi working on their hair in the mirror before looking down in the sink, revealing blood and teeth sitting near the drain.

‘The reaper knocks on my door/ Because I’m addicted to more, ‘ they sing.

They then appear on a stage in a black leather outfit to sing the chorus of the song with a microphone hanging down from the ceiling.

They then recoil at an image in the mirror before an intense part of the song sees them throwing their head up toward the sky.

‘I’m just trying to keep my head above water, ‘ they sing. ‘I’m your son and I’m your daughter.’

Meanwhile, the previously mentioned old man stalks toward them, camcorder in hand, as they crawl back away from him.

‘I’m just a product of the problem,’ they sing as it cuts back to them onstage with rain pouring down on their head.

The old man climbs on top of them and throws his head back in ecstasy while choking the pop star.

Lovato then threw the old man off of them and plants their tall black boot on his shoulder, pinning him to the ground.

It then cuts back to Demi onstage with flames bursting from the top of the guitar in a mesmerizing way.

The video then cuts back and forth between Demi onstage and in the bathtub as they sing the song’s refrain.