‘Euphoria’ Season 2: Sydney Sweeney, Alexa Demie & Maude Apatow on the Hot Tub Scene and the Lexi/Fezco Dynamic

On the HBO original series Euphoria, Rue (Zendaya) has been on a downward spiral that’s even worse than those closest to her have feared. And while it’s easy to understand why the people in her life that love her would want to help her, when an addict is out of control, it’s up to them to pull themselves out and find a new path, and often things get much uglier and much darker before ever finding the light again.

During this interview with Collider, which you can both watch and read, co-stars Maude Apatow, Sydney Sweeney and Alexa Demie talked about shooting a full play production, the vomit scene with Cassie (Sweeney) in the hot tub, the relationship advice that Maddie (Demie) receives, the dynamic between Lexi (Apatow) and Fezco (Angus Cloud), and how Cassie is acting out of pure crazy love when it comes to Nate (Jacob Elordi).
Collider: Maude, your character has been so interesting over these seasons because she is really the observer. What was it like to have this play become her focus this season and to really put on a full production? What was it like to do that and to read the script for that?

MAUDE APATOW: Sam [Levinson] and I talked about it. It’s loosely inspired by me in high school being a heater tyrant, so I understood that aspect of it, but it was so crazy. We were doing a full play in front of a full, real audience. It was scary. We got the jitters. We all had stage fright. But it was so fun. It was so, so fun.

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What do you think it says about Lexi, as a character?

APATOW: She bottles so much up, so when she gets angry or frustrated, she doesn’t really know how to deal with it, so she lashes out in ridiculous ways. Lexi’s really smart and hard-working, and I think she’s also very controlling. So much in her life is crazy and falling apart. Rue’s losing it, and Cassie is losing in. She’s like, “Okay, this is my one thing. I have control over it and I’m gonna get it right, if it’s the last thing I do.”

Sydney and Alexa, how was it to shoot the scene and the hot tub? Sydney, what was it like to be the one having to do the vomiting, and Alexa, even though it’s fake, is it still gross to be on the receiving end of that?

DEMIE: That wasn’t fake.

SWEENEY: It came out my mouth.

DEMIE: It came out of her mouth. She vomited.

SWEENEY: It was very disgusting. There was this clear pipe that was a little tube, that they weaved behind my back, and then into my mouth with a horse bit. During the scene, they would fill my mouth with throw up. I had to sit there, as if nothing was going into my mouth, and let it fill and fill and fill, and then throw up. I was really worried that I was actually gonna throw up.

Is it ever fun to do something like that, or is it just gross?

SWEENEY: That was just gross.

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Sydney, you were so great in The White Lotus. What do you think your character in The White Lotus would think of Cassie, and vice versa? Would they hate each other? Would they be friends? Would they even register on each other’s radar?

SWEENEY: I think Olivia would walk by and just roll her eyes at Cassie and be like, “Girl, you do not have your shit together.” I think Cassie would be very intimidated by Olivia because Olivia portrays such a put-together sophisticated character, and Cassie would just not be on the same playing level or field.

Alexa, this season, we see Maddie bond with Minka Kelly’s character, and she seems to put some things in perspective for Maddie. What do you think Maddie learns from her?

DEMIE: I think Maddie just finally feels like she has a female mentor in someone who’s older than her. We see in season one that she doesn’t really respect the decisions that her parents have made. And then, she sees this woman in this gorgeous house with these gorgeous clothes, and she seems so put together. She really takes in what she says, and Minka Kelly’s character helps her feel like the decision she’s made with the relationship is normal. It’s normal to have these toxic relationships when you’re younger because you’re learning. And so, I think she helps her realize, “I did this too. This is not what you have to stay with. You can move on. It’s just a phase.” I think she just helps her realize what isn’t true love and what could be.

Image via HBO

Maude, the relationship between Lexi and Fezco is so interesting. Of all people, what do you think it is about him that she finds herself drawn to?

APATOW: The thing that’s so interesting about Angus [Cloud]’s character is that he’s so sweet and he’s got such sweet eyes, but he’s also forced to be in this position. He doesn’t really want that for himself. He has so many other dreams and goals, and we see that through the season and learn about that in their conversations. I think she just finds him fascinating. She’s never met anyone like him, and vice versa. Deep down, they have really similar interests and make each other laugh. They’re just buddies, even though no one would see it coming. They just get along really well.

Sydney, how do you feel about Cassie and Nate? Can you see Maddie’s point about not hooking up with your friend’s boyfriend, even if he is an ex? How do you feel about that whole dynamic?

SWEENEY: I think there are valid points on both sides. But I play Cassie, so I can’t judge her too harshly. She acts out of love that’s just pure, utter, anxious, crazy love.