‘Euphoria’ Star Alexa Demie Swears By These Simple Beauty Tricks

The world of fashion and beauty often goes hand in hand with fame and stardom, with many celebrities being avid beauty and makeup lovers, and some even staring up their own beauty lines. One celeb in particular who is known for her glam looks, and impressive makeup skills is Euphoria star Alexa Demie.

Demie’s character of Maddy Perez truly gave fans a taste of Demie’s talents both in acting and also in beauty, as she influenced many of her own looks for the show. Her iconic looks went viral following the release of the first season thus propelling Demie and her beauty skillset to far greater heights than ever before. With the second season of the teen drama having returned in January 2022, the focus has been placed once again on Demie and what glitzy, fashionable looks she would be donning this season. So as the episodes continue to air and audiences continue to fawn over Maddy Perez’s looks, let’s take a look at what Demie believes to be the best beauty tips and tricks.

7Alexa Demie Is Obsessed With This Skincare Step

Before all the glam shadows and plump lip looks, Demie is a firm believer in the key importance of skincare. During the actress’ iconic Vogue Beauty Secrets video back in July 2019, Demie walked viewers through a step-by-step tutorial on how to achieve a classic 90s glam look. However, before Demie began to apply any form of makeup product, she showed viewers her pre-makeup routine whilst highlighting how important this step was for her. As she did this, she revealed to viewers which skincare product she swore by.

Demie stated, “I like to use a little hydrating mist. I’m obsessed with Eminence, it’s all organic, and it’s made out of vegetables and flowers, and botanicals. It’s just all-natural.”

6Alexa Demie Is Big On Under-Eye Baking For This Reason

After applying her base as the video progressed, Demie highlighted another key step that she usually takes. The actress mentioned how big she was on baking and how she would usually only do it under her eyes. The timing, however, was the most important thing as Demie advised viewers to apply the baking powder just before doing their eyeshadow. She mentioned how useful this was as, if any excess eyeshadow falls onto the lower eyes and upper cheeks, it could easily be brushed away along with the baking powder.

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5Alexa Demie’s Eyebrow Mantra Is “Up And Out”

By the end of the video, Demie dons an almost complete, glam, and professional makeup look. As she realizes what she has missed out on, however, she uses the opportunity to show fans her go-to eyebrow look. Just before going to apply the product on her eyebrows, she tells viewers how she doesn’t enjoy filling her brows in, instead opting out to use clear gel. She then begins to apply the gel on her eyebrows, showing fans her trusty technique of “up and out.”

4This Is Alexa Demie’s Biggest Advice For Beginners

As she has revealed plenty of times in the past, Demie grew up with a makeup artist mother and thus began her beauty journey at a very early age in her life. Because of this, she was able to develop her techniques throughout the years and achieve the level of professionalism that she currently holds. However, Demie understands that not everyone has the same skillset and many begin their makeup journeys at different stages in their lives. During an interview with YSBnow, the LA-born actress shared some key advice for beginners who are just starting out their beauty journeys.

She stated, “I would just say have fun. There’s no rules, don’t copy exactly what you see online, just do you.”

3This Was Alexa Demie’s Favorite Skincare Quarantine Purchase

Much like many people did during the COVID-19 lockdown, Demie revealed that she had bought a few cheeky quarantine purchases. During an exclusive interview with Vogue, the glam star highlighted how her favorite purchase had been a steamer for her skin, before later adding that she had really gotten into her skincare during the lockdown.

She stated, “I’ve been obsessed with skincare during quarantine. I bought an at-home steamer, and I’ve been doing full facials where I steam my skin.” Demie added, “I’m using facial rollers, massagers, and bubble clay masks. I have a spa here, basically.”

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2According To Alexa Demie, This Is The Best Thing To Do To Feel Better About Your Look

Later on in the interview, the actress touched on slightly heavier topics surrounding self-confidence and how to overcome moments of insecurity towards one’s appearance. The actress gave this crucial piece of advice to deal with those moments of physical self-doubt.

She stated, “Stop looking in the mirror. Stop focusing on your appearance and focus on something else. If you stare in the mirror long enough, you’re going to find something wrong with yourself.”

1Alexa Demie Doesn’t Believe In This Beauty Rule

With the world of makeup and beauty being such a vast and huge industry, it’s no surprise that there are many fads within it. During an exclusive interview with Glamour, Demie was asked about her opinions on beauty fads and which beauty rule she didn’t think was worth following. The actress responded by highlighting how she believed that skincare routines should be kept simple and easy.

She stated, “I think you don’t need to spend an arm and a leg for a good serum in your skin-care routine. I also think keeping your skin-care routine simple is the best thing to do for your skin. Having too many steps can actually have the opposite results.”