Katy Perry stuffs her bra with tissue paper! And here’s the picture that proves it.

Katy Perry’s boobs are basically celebrities in their own right. They’re always hogging all the attention at premieres, on the red carpet, firing cream, wearing a cupcake bra, getting her banned from Sesame Street – they’re always there, trying to push Katy aside and steal her fame. But Katy, we’ve worked out the source of all their power: it’s that tissue paper you’ve been stuffing in your bra.

Katy Perry stuffs her bra with tissue

The secret stuffing was exposed last night as she left the premiere for her new 3D movie, Part Of Me, with Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and Robert Pattinson. On the way to the car, when she lent forward (not that we were looking on purpose or anything) we could clearly see that her bra was full of tissues.

Katy took her own tissue to the Chateau Marmont, just in case they’d run out of loo roll. It’s basically like a festival in there.

The Hollywood stars (Katy and her tissue) also went to Bootsy Bellows nightclub. Really.

Last year, Katy admitted she wished she had small boobs like Kate Moss growing up. “When I was a kid … I had enormous boobs that I didn’t know what to do with,” she said. “I wore minimisers, which were not cute. Those thick-ass straps! I got made fun of for the over-the-shoulder boulder holder. All I wanted was to look like Kate Moss. Little did I know … that these things (her breasts) would come in handy someday.”

Er, Katy, if you want them smaller, get rid of the loo roll.

Maybe she wasn’t stuffing her bra? Because we’re sure someone would have told multi-millionaire Katy that chicken fillets now exist. Maybe she has a cold? Maybe she was having an emotional moment? Maybe if you go on a night out with Justin Bieber you need to keep a small tissue ready at all times in case he dribbles? We’re not sure. All we know is that we’ve spent far too long staring at Katy’s cleavage today.