Kim Kardashian Discusses Being ‘Openly Sensual’ and Holding ‘Divergent Views From Kanye’ in Candid Richardson Magazine Feature

“Unleashing Her Sensuality and Embracing Differences with Kanye: Kim Kardashian’s Revealing Interview with Richardson Magazine”

To commemorate Richardson magazine’s 20th anniversary, Kim Kardashian has posed for yet another revealing photo shoot. The reality star appears on the cover of the “A9” issue, which features provocative images of her shot by photographer Steven Klein. Inspired by the 1997 Japanese psychological thriller “Perfect Blue,” the spread showcases Kardashian in various states of undress. In the interview for the issue’s cover story, titled “Perfect Kim,” she discusses overcoming obstacles in her life while speaking with author Bret Easton Ellis.

According to Kardashian, everyone has their own way of dealing with difficult situations. For her, whether it was the scandalous sex tape, a traumatizing robbery, or the loss of her beloved father, she chose to face them head-on and move forward. Kardashian does not believe in having a victim mentality, as it goes against her personality.

Additionally, Kardashian discusses the challenges of balancing her roles as a sex symbol and a mother. She admits that her public persona may be more provocative, but at home, she is much more conservative.

Although my public image is known for being wild and sexual, I am actually uncomfortable talking about sex and tend to be more conservative in that regard. However, becoming a mother has boosted my confidence in embracing my sexuality in a public setting.
The founder and creative director of Richardson magazine, Andrew Richardson, initially approached me about featuring on the cover through my husband Kanye West, with whom he had previously collaborated on several projects.
I hinted at the nude photoshoot in July, which took place during a phone call with President Trump who informed me of Alice Johnson’s pardon.

Kardashian played a vital role in advocating for the release of a 63-year-old woman serving a lifetime sentence. She met with the president in May and personally fought for her pardon. Kardashian acknowledged that her husband’s political presence as a supporter of Trump helped her gain access to the president. Kanye’s public support for Trump got him to pick up her call, she said.

Although my views have always differed from Kanye’s, my visit to his place made me realize the potential of staying committed to my cause instead of merely criticizing. Here are some photos from the Kardashian’s Richardson photoshoot.