Lindsay Lohan Hits Beach in Bikini … and Bruises

Lindsay Lohan must be a serious klutz.

The rehab-bound actress hit the beach in Brazil on Monday in a navy blue bikini, but she revealed a lot more than her famous assets: a cluster of four huge bruises covered her left thigh (three can be seen here on the side, in addition to one on the front).

There’s no way that Lohan couldn’t have noticed them, so why did she choose to show them off for the cameras?

Also strange was the fact that she was sitting on the beach and wading in the water all alone, even though she arrived in South America last week with an entourage, including her boyfriend Avi Snow. As of last weekend, he was back in the States with his band, City of the Sun, in Missouri.

According to one report, Lohan made it as far as the Sao Paulo airport on Monday … only to not get on her New York City-bound flight (even though her manager did) because she wanted to stay in South America and “have fun.”

Her idea of a good time? Tweeting to her millions of fans that she was pregnant, which was thankfully only an April Fools’ Day joke posted a day late on April 2. She later deleted the post, and added, “Where’s everyone’s sense of humor?” — which she also deleted soon after.

Seems like to most people the idea of Lindsay Lohan having a baby is no laughing matter.
