Lindsay Lohan’s plastic surgery in full: Changing face from nose job to fillers

The actress has changed considerably since first bursting on to the big screen back in 1998

Lindsay Lohan has had a rollercoaster career since the innocent days of The Disney’s Parent Trap 20 years ago.

And she’s undergone a considerable change in appearance both on and off-screen, leaving some wondering if she’s had any nips and tweaks.

She’s no longer recognisable as the red-headed freckled face child star, instead more well-known for her her multiple run-ins with police, her mugshots, Community Service at the LA morgue and a naked Playboy photoshoot.

But what has Lindsay had done and why does she look so different, we spoke with surgeon for MYA Cosmetic Surgery to get the low down on her transformation…

“Lindsay’s nose appears to be much slimmer than in her early appearances, with a natural slope and point. This could indicate that she has undergone a rhinoplasty procedure to achieve this shape.”

Rhinoplasty procedures can range from £4,000-£11,000 depending upon the extent of the work that is required.

Lindsay burst onto screens in Parent Trap

Non-surgical fillers
When comparing images of Lindsay over time, it looks as though she did cut back on non-surgical treatments over the past few years – however after taking a look at recent images of her, the surgeon suggests “she has had the non-surgical treatment of dermal fillers to her cheeks.”

“This procedure gives volume to the cheek area and is achieved by injecting dermal fillers along the contour of the cheek bone to create more definition.

In some cases, “overfilling” or multiple treatments within close proximity can result in a “puffy” look or rounder cheeks rather than defined cheek bones.

At one point Lindsay ditched her trademark red hair


She spoke about shedding her party girl past

“Lindsay has definitely been guilty of this in the past and although in recent years she seems to have opted for a more natural look – the latest photos of her would suggest she has been undergoing facial fillers again.”

“I would also suggest a similar case in regards to Lindsay undergoing fillers to the lips; a few years ago, I believe she may have had some of the filler dissolved in the form of revision treatment, in order to create a fuller lip when smiling – but with a more natural shape and proportion.

“However, recent images suggest she has since had multiple treatments to plump her lips, that create a more unnatural look, where the cupid’s bow of the upper lip disappears.”

The actress has undergone a transformation

The average cost of lip fillers in the UK can range depending on the provider and the amount of filler used. However, you can expect to pay anything from £200 – £1000 per treatment.

“I would also suggest Lindsay has undergone the non-surgical treatment of anti-wrinkle injections often referred to as Botox to her forehead to help create an arch to her brows rather than to hide fine lines which it is typically used for. However, this will still create the look of a very smooth forehead and limit expression lines.”

Botox typically costs around £150-£350 per session with the effects of the treatment usually lasting between 3-9 months.