Margot Robbie’s Brother’s Reaction To Her Intimate Scene With Leonardo DiCaprio

Margot Robbie‘s rise to fame was not an easy one, and despite achieving success, the actor had to endure embarrassing and difficult moments while filming intimate scenes with Leonardo DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street. Robbie had to act in front of a group of thirty male crew members, which made her nervous and uncomfortable. She revealed in an interview that it was a weird and absurd thing to do, and she had to bury the embarrassment and fully commit to the scene.

Robbie’s brother was not comfortable watching his sister perform these intimate acts on screen, and he refused to speak to her for three months after watching the movie. He cringed while watching the scenes and found it difficult to look his sister in the eye.


Margot Robbie’s Career Struggles

Margot Robbie
Margot Robbie


Margot Robbie tâm sự nỗi lo đóng cảnh khỏa thân - Báo Người lao động
Despite the overnight fame that Robbie received with her appearance in The Wolf of Wall Street, she had doubts about her worth and presence in Hollywood. She even contemplated if she had made the right career choice since she was unable to enjoy the experience of being famous. Robbie admitted in an interview with Vanity Fair that she took her mother’s advice on how to process and handle her newfound superstardom. She was able to embrace her fame and went from strength to strength over the years with her film choices.