Mod Sun EXCLUSIVE: ‘I almost killed myself after Bella Thorne’: Singer reveals he became sober following split in order to save his life (and claims he’s better in bed now!)

He split from former Disney star Bella Thorne at Coachella in April following an ‘angry row’, after a two-year romance.

And in an interview with MailOnline, singer Mod Sun, 32, said that he has given up drink and drugs for the first time in 17 years following the split, in a bid to save his own life.

He said: ‘I don’t know if I would be here if I was still on drugs. What I was going through, post all that [the split] was really dark for me.

‘I almost killed myself after Bella Thorne’: Mod Sun, 32, told MailOnline he became sober following split from singer, 21, in order to save his life (pictured together in March)

He said: ‘I don’t know if I would be here if I was still on drugs. What I was going through, post all that [the split] was really dark for me’

‘That is why I did get sober because I almost killed myself. But I wanted to transition the split into something positive.’

It’s clear he still loves Bella, 21, who moved on with Italian singer Benjamin Mascolo just days after the split.

Special time: Mod Sun’s mother and sister presented him with a 30th cake to celebrate his 30 days of sobriety in a touching moment – he said this is the ‘greatest time of her life’

But he feels hurt and is very conflicted about his feelings towards her.

He said: ‘I am only going to try and say good things about her, but it’s the things you don’t see online that really hurt.’

Struggling to hold back his emotions, he said: ‘There is all this really hurtful stuff going on right now, personally contacting me and trying to hurt me.

‘I’m not trying to hurt anybody. She was my best friend.

‘When I met her, I thought “I will do whatever it takes to have her in my life, whether it’s a romantic relationship or just friends.”

‘I miss the hell out of my best friend. I miss the hell out of laying in bed all day and watching Netflix with her.

‘But that being said, I don’t know if I ever really knew her. I don’t know if it was toxic for her, but it was toxic for me. My friends don’t want us to get back together.’

‘She’s kind and an inspiration’: Mod has credited Demi Lovato with helping him to get sober following her own drugs battle

He added: ‘Also, we did a lot of business together and that f***ed everything up immensely.’ He has since claimed she owes him money.

Mod admitted the worst thing is not knowing whether or not Bella truly loved him.

He said: ‘I am so distraught right now. I believe so strongly that you always need to leave things better than you found it. I keep wondering, “Did I screw you up Bella?’

‘I don’t know if she is reacting the way she is because she still loves me or because she f***ing hates my guts. That’s what’s causing me so much internal pain.

‘My instinct tells me that she never loved me, kinda. [coughs] I know I am a good catch and have a lot to give, but I don’t think her eyes were ever glued to me,] hinting that he believes she was unfaithful.

Lucky ladies: The singer has said he can ‘do marathons’ in the bedroom since cleaning up his act

Mod said he would love to have Bella back in his life in some form in the future despite everything.

He said he split with the singer and actress as a ‘wake up call’ after the row and admitted he hoped they would patch things up in a few months.

Mod still smokes weed because he doesn’t consider it to be drug and it’s not illegal to smoke in LA but said that giving up his other vices has given him ‘clarity’.

He’s even been to church.

‘Dude, I kind of became religious over the weekend. I went to church.

‘I found the light. [Before that], I locked myself in my room and was scared of the world and out of that, created the greatest time of my life, which was clarity.

‘I was broken into pieces, but things are getting easier every day. My most recent performances have been the best of my life because I’ve been present.

‘I was scared to get out on stage in case I would suck sober, but this is good for me. I am way cooler not f***ed up.’

He claimed he’s now better in bed after going clean.

The singer said: ‘Girls like me more sober. I’m like, putting in marathons. For real, I couldn’t believe it. I had been in fear, but it was an eye-opening experience.’

Bella Thorne and Mod Sun leave an LA night club in early April

But he said that he’s surprised that no one has ever asked him about his and Bella’s open relationship with influencer Tana Mongeau, 20.

He said: ‘These were two girls that wanted to explore their sexuality. But I just never saw it happen.

‘I didn’t want any part of that to happen because I was in love with Bella. I didn’t even like Tana at the beginning.

‘But we talk every day now. We had to learn to like each other. There were a few times where it almost went down [a threesome] but it never happened.’

Going back to his new clean-living way of life, Mod said that Demi Lovato, 26, who is now sober following her own drugs battle, has been instrumental in helping him.

He said: ‘She is sweet – she’s an inspiration. She talks to me, just from afar and has been really there for me.’

Mod is currently promoting his new song, I Remember Way Too Much, on his independent label and he said he’s thrilled it’s been well-received.

He said: ‘I want validation. I’m not ashamed to say that I need the world to validate me and for people to say, “You are what you think you are”.

‘For me, that comes from having a song on the radio. That’s what I want this year. I have my end of year goals written out and I look at them every day.

‘I haven’t wasted the last five years but I haven’t been able to cross the finish line. Life comes in chapters and I think I just finished chapter one.’

The only way is up: Mod is currently promoting his new song, I Remember Way Too Much, on his independent label and he said he’s thrilled it’s been well-received