The diet and workout Ariana Grande follows to stay in fabulous shape

Sneak peek inside Ariana Grande’s fitness regime

Popstar and Hollywood sensation Ariana Grande is not just one of the most followed stars on the social media platform, Instagram, she also has an incredible fitness story to share. If you count yourself to be a fan of the entertainer, you would agree to the fact that apart from her incredible voice, her looks are to die for. In fact, the artist once claimed that a lot of her inner zeal for churning out hit songs comes up when she’s busting calories on the treadmill! Needless to say, the high pumped-up energy her performances require come through the disciplined diet and workout she follows.

While we dish out some inside secrets to her incredibly toned figure and healthy living, read to know all what the 28-year-old does to stay in shape:

What’s her everyday regime like?

Ariana Grande can be found burning calories in the gym or outdoors, when she’s not on the stage. What she also does is eat super healthy. Sources say that the childhood Disney star and award-winning pop star takes time out to practice 20-30 minutes of relaxing yoga, does a lot of beneficial stretches and eats foods which are rich in good antioxidants. Read below to know more about all what she does to stay so fit.

Why workouts are her ‘happy place’

When you passionately follow something, it won’t feel like a chore. Ask the 28-year-old popstar! Not only does she find a way to get moving and workout every single day (even when she’s travelling), she’s also a great fan of regimes like Pilates and calls working out her happy place. It’s a great stressbuster for the popstar.


Apart from this, Ariana also spends a lot of time doing toning exercises including reverse lunges, squats, glute bridges, planks, and other resistance exercises.

The diet that she follows

Making the daring proclamation that she loves animals more than she loves humans, Ariana switched to a completely plant-based vegan diet in the year 2013 and much like fellow celebrities who swear by the benefits of going vegan, Ariana says that eating plant-based proteins gives her insane energy when she’s on the stage. She doesn’t believe that one needs to rely on animal fats or dairy for the protein, and we absolutely agree.

As someone who has been eating organically since she was little, making the complete switch to a vegan lifestyle has done wonders for her health. She once said,

“I am a firm believer in eating a full plant-based, whole-food diet that can expand your life length and make you an all-round happier person. It is tricky dining out, but I just stick to what I know–veggies, fruit, and salad–then, when I get home, I’ll have something else.”

She’s also been reported to follow a unique macrobiotic Japanese diet, wherein she has a lot of berries, coconut water, nuts and seeds, oatmeal and raw veggies.