The Most Outrageous Things Katy Perry’s Worn n Her Boobs

Katy Perry isn’t shy about donning some far-out fashion, and she’s certainly a fan of showing off her curves. When those two things combine, the world is treated to revolutionary new cleavage creators and bizarre boulder holders. Take a tour through Katy’s craziest chest contraptions.

Whipped Cream Guns
With music video stills like this, Katy Perry should have called her album Teenage Cream.


Candy ropes make for great bra support.

Movie Reels

Lights. Camera. Action!


Katy Perry is a record collector for different reasons.


Hershey Kisses

It’s a new take on white choclate.

Made in Katy Perry’s Easy-Bake Bra-ven.

This is what happens when East meets breast.

The American Flag

Wonder if this is what Betsy Ross had in mind when she sewed Old Glory.

Grandma’s Curtains

Quite crafty.

Gold Leafing

Classy AND seasonal.

More Slime

Katy Perry was way ahead of the neon trend.


You fools, slime can’t stop zombie Katy Perry from looking great.

A Snowman

This was the best day in Frosty’s life.

Elmo’s Face
If Sesame Street looked like this, PBS would never need to hold a pledge drive again.


Katy Perry — singlehandedly destroying rain forests for fashion.


There’s nothing secret about Katy Perry’s garden.


Guys have Fruit of the Loom. Katy Perry has fruit of the boob.

More Candy

Katy Perry’s favorite designer? Willy Wonka.


If the whole pop star thing goes south for Katy Perry, at least she has the right ensemble for a career at the craps table.

Disco Balls

These sparkling disco balls on Katy Perry’s white dress reminds us of those candy buttons from childhood.